O Wojtusiu po angielsku :) 2006-05-31 19:44:15

W oczach cioci Ali :) ciekawe co dostała z angielskiego :)Zdjecia uzupełnie :)za chwilke mniejsza lub wieksza :)

"My nephew.

My family is really huge, I have many relatives. My family is very important to me. Members of my family are my best friends, the people I love. It would be dreadful for me if I lost them. My family helps me in many problems, makes me feel needed. I can rely on my parents - they often give me advice. The special place in my family belongs to the youngest member. My nephews name is Wojtuś. I will never forget the first time I saw him. He was only three days old and he was so small, calm and sweet. At first I was scared to take him up, but finally I learned how to do it properly.
Now Wojtuś is four years old and he grows very fast. He is quite tall. Wojtus doesnt eat much so he is very slim. He has deep blue eyes and blond hair. He also has long eyelashes. Wojtuś likes blue color and he has a lot of blue clothes. His rosy cheeks give him adorable face.

Everyone from the family who saw Wojtuś for the first time, fell in love with him instantly.

Wojtuś brings a lot of happiness and joy to my family. For me he is a very important person. Of course he is only four years old and doesn't speak very well. But we spent together many hours playing many games, going for a walk and laughing.
Now I want to write about his character. Wojtuś likes company of other people, he can't play alone. Also he has a good contact with children from kindergarten. In my opinion in the future he will be a very outgoing and talkative person. Also Wojtuś is very patient, he can sit and collect puzzles until he finishes. He is very cheerful and has o lot of energy. Wojtuś is very sensitive, sometimes during watching cartoons he worried about innocent characters. Also he can easily talk about his feelings.
One of his favorite activity is drawing. His favorite toy is Lego. Recently he got a big, beautiful Lego plane. Also Wojtuś likes when someone reads a book aloud to him. In winter his parents took him to the ice rink. Recently Wojtuś has a lot of entertainment in the kindergarten , together with other children and parents they organize small performances, trips. What else can I write is that he really loves water, he goes to the swimming poll very often.

Wojtuś likes also colorful images in books.

Also he tries to help in the kitchen

Wojtek has a special place in my life. I first saw him when he was a new-born baby. During this four years I have been looking after him, noticed his first steps, words. We spent holidays together. Wojtuś teaches me how to be calm and patient. When I am with him I forget about my worries and problems. Of course I cant talk with him like with a friend, because he doesn't understand many things yet. But when he says something funny I relax and forget about the whole world. Very pleasant and nice is that I can give him and teach him something. Sometimes I take him for a walk or go to the playground. Wojtuś has changed my life. I hope that in future we will have a good contact and become friends in spite of the generation gap. "

jeden dzien w tropikach 2006-05-07 09:19:26

Majowy (przedlużony)weekend prawie juz za nami...
już cały dzień nie będę z rodzicami :)
W góry pojechać mielismy
ale i my i pogoda plany zmieniliśmy.
Chodzilismy na wyprawę rowerową
i pojechalismy na jednodniową wycieczkę tropikową.
Jest takie miejsce nie tak daleko od Berlina
wiec i bardzo blisko(2 godzinki i troszkę) ze Szczecina.

O 6 rano wyjechalismy i prawie sami tam bylismy :)
zalety straszne to swoje miało bo do kolejki na zjazd z rury
wcale sie nie stało :)

Potem koło południa troszke ludzi przybyło
ale i tak fajnie , bo pustawo jak na taką halę było.

Pojechała z nami moja ciocia Ala
i w wodzie ze mną wesoło brykała

i z rury tez zjezdzala, bo mamcia jak zwykle cykora miała-choc potem zjechała.

Ala tak mnie mocno w gorze trzymała
bo troszkę stracha żebym sie nie zachłysnął chyba miała.

A mama jak ze mna zjechała
to tak nas zanurzyła, że potem po okulary nurkowała :)

W wodzie aerobik pani tez prowadzila
mnie, Ale, mamcie do uczestniczenia namowila.

Słonko ładnie świeciło wiec bardzo ciepło było
na leżaczkach sie opalilismy ale większość czasu to w wodzie spędzilismy
więc nieżle sie wymoczylismy :)

I mimo iz czasem strasznie śpiacy byłem
jak nie pływałem to w piasku się bawiłem.

Tak wygladała hala kilkanaście lat temu

A tak wyglada teraz-zmienia sie ku lepszemu :)

Chyba powoli ze zdjeciami przeginamy wiec na wiecej ogladanka do albumu zapraszamy.
info: kliknij aby zobaczyc wieksze

autor: gosiag
mail: gosiaglogosia@tlen.pl

miasto: Szczecin

Zapiski z Wojtusiowych psotek, radosci i osiagniec dnia kazdego :)
ur. 2002-01-20

mój foto.dzieciak
znalazlem jajo strusia

    poczatek: 2004-08-04

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